Friday, June 27, 2014

Tyrant Liberal Alec Baldwin's Daughter Ireland Is A Lesbian Dating A "Butch" Black Rapper

Thanks to the Gay Mafia and Godless, white liberals giving their stamp of approval, homosexuality has not only become normalized, but an easy choice for uneducated, young, naive souls who grew up in a toxic environment. Ireland Baldwin, famous for not only being the daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin, but also for modeling and for famous dad calling her a 'pig' on a voicemail when she was younger, is now just another victim of Hollyweirdo parents as well as a calling she'll probably never understand:
The interview starts off talking about Kanye West due to the fact that Angel Haze is supporting him at Wireless later this year. "To be on the same stage as one of my favourite artists is just insane. I admire his honesty, his brashness may be hard for some people to deal with, but it's always real and it comes from a place that you know he's completely passionate about. It's inspiring to see someone who is true to who they are."

After this, the interview explores her relationship with Ireland Baldwin. Angel has been dating the model daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger for four months, and even though Angel describes herself as 'pansexual', telling the paper, "Love isn't defined by gender", it sounds like the relationship is going from strength to strength.

"It's going well … We met during New York Fashion Week - I knew her cousin really well. We ended up hanging out and becoming friends for a few months, then…"

The loved-up pictures tell us all we need to know...

Angel also goes on to describe how the media portray their relationship: "I don't know if there's like some confirm or deny thing with the way relationships work in the media, but everyone just calls us best friends, best friends for life, like we're just friends hanging out.

"It's funny. It's rad in some ways, it sucks in others.

"We f**k and friends don't f**k. I have never f**ked one of my friends. Once I see you in that way, it doesn't happen."
RELATED: Federal appeals court strikes down Utah’s gay-marriage ban

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