Don't get your way, spin the facts and lie to your simpleton viewers--they'll believe just about anything that comes out your mouth anyway. All SCOTUS did with their ruling here was protect the rights of anyone who expresses their opposition to abortion, this ruling won't interfere with anyone's right to not be harassed or intimidated by abortion foes:
Rachel Maddow opened her show last night by highlighting instances of angry confrontation, and even violence, by pro-life advocates outside abortion clinics to rail against the Supreme Court decision striking down the “buffer zone” for protestors. And Maddow found it wildly hypocritical that the Supreme Court itself actually has a buffer zone.RELATED: Networks: Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones Protect Women From 'Violent' and 'Offensive' Pro-Life Protests
Maddow pointed out that the Supreme Court has made sure it has a wide space around the building where protestors cannot show up so that they can’t, say, directly harass justices or other federal employees as they enter and exit the building. “Must be nice,” she said.
She pointed to a number of Supreme Court decisions where the concept of a “buffer zone” has been upheld, with respect to polling places and military funerals. (The latter ruling being decided after objections to the infamous Westboro Baptist Church.) Maddow declared, “From inside its own protective buffer zone, the Supreme Court issued its majority ruling striking down the one outside abortion clinics.”
And given all the horrible history of violence and intimidation outside abortion clinics, Maddow found it bewildering that the Supreme Court decision read that pro-life protestors just “wish to converse” with people.
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