Hope springs eternal that some of America’s political blowhards will ease into the sunset, crushed into silence by life’s relentless realities. But there is no such luck when it comes to Al Gore and his climate mafia. Gore’s sizable bank account must be running low, because he is trying to crank up his propaganda machine again to tap into the “green pork bonanza.”RELATED: Al Gore Leaves People's Climate March in Chevy Suburban SUV
Gore made hundreds of millions of dollars from the hoopla surrounding his 2006 film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” and resulting financial ventures. The bonanza happened in spite of the fact that a judge in London’s highest court ruled the documentary was “one-sided,” not an impartial analysis and clearly “a political film.”
The movie was based on a 1998 paper by Michael Mann, who “reported” sharp rises in global temperatures and argued that immediate global action must be taken to prevent uncontrollable temperature rises. But the real inconvenient truth is that the Mann paper was based on sloppy research. It has since been contradicted, and its projections have not materialized. In fact, there has “been no statistically significant increase in annual global temperatures” in the 16 years since the paper was written, the United Kingdom’s national weather office said. Global temperatures crested in 1998. Even the United Nations has finally admitted that such temperatures have not risen in the past 16 years.
Gore’s apocalyptic predictions were false, and his credibility has been shredded among objective observers. Today, polar ice caps are larger. Polar bear populations have increased. The West Antarctic ice sheet’s reduction was caused by sub-glacial volcanic magma. Americans have noticed that winters are getting colder.
President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have joined the climate mafia, calling climate change “the world’s largest weapon of mass destruction” and insisting global warming is now “settled science, a scientific consensus.” Really? Well, I invite readers to ask true scientists whether they respect consensus thinking. Science is all about evidence, not consensus. In fact, science doesn’t respect consensus or majority views. Data, evidence and observations, not projections, are what convince true scientists whether a theory is wrong or right.
Global warming has been Gore’s gold mine. He has spent the past 15 years mining for profits and huckstering for carbon credits, and he’s made a killing. After all, he needed a lot of money to pay the electric bills for his 20-room Tennessee mansion’s annual 221,000 kilowatt-hours, more than 20 times the national average, according to ABC News.
Now, I don’t begrudge a man making money. But what’s wrong with Gore’s campaign is that, under the guise of protecting the Earth, Gore’s propaganda juggernaut has spread an agenda of hysteria and alarm based on poor science. He declares as fact that humans are the primary cause of global warming. He denies that natural phenomena causes most climate change. And yet, the Earth’s climate changes all the time. On average, the Earth experiences a warming cycle approximately every 1,500 years, and it has gone through dozens of what scientists call “little Ice Ages.”
Gore and other leftists have profited over the years by creating Chicken Little, sky-is-falling scenarios as a way to expand government and “solve the problem” they manufactured. How convenient for Gore to use alarmist propaganda, falsified charts and a hoax to create a problem. Gore and other leftists invented most of the manmade global warming “crisis,” empowering leftists all over the world to expand government’s reach and blame “greedy” corporations so they can be taxed to pay the global warming tab and so that all the liberals can “take care” of all the helpless corporate victims before life on Earth is destroyed.
Gore is not just wrong; he’s dangerous. His views are perilous because, as he engages in profiteering, he influences the U.S. government to take radical actions that severely impact America’s economy and the lives of millions of its citizens. Gore is a very clever man as he rakes in the money, but he has put himself into one hell of an ethical conflict of interest.
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