Liberals have taken over the word “conservative” and turned it into a pejorative, says comedian and radio host Adam Carolla.RELATED: Progressives are quicker to seize on the political opportunities created by a changing culture
In the latest episode of The Adam & Dr. Drew Show, Carolla fielded a caller’s question about how, in the past year, it seems as though the actor has had much more to say about politics than in years past.
“It’s not a political stance; it’s a life stance,” Carolla said. “I understand how life works. You know why? I’ve done it.” He added: “I know that the path to success is a bunch of hard work and that is about it. And we can all get to that or we can call me whatever you want to call me.”
However, the comedian claimed that such views have now been branded a certain way (Transcript via RCP):
It’s bizarre and that’s what we have turned it into. But also, it’s the left turning conservatism into a pejorative, number one. Being conservative didn’t used to be a pejorative in any stretch of the imagination. Being a conservative with your money was being prudent. Being conservative as it pertains to work or investments or even at the poker table it was sort of prudent. Conservative meant prudent; it was not a pejorative.The left has taken over the word conservative and turned it into a pejorative. So it’s like, “Oh, you’re a conservative?” They’ve done a wonderful smear campaign.“Oh, are you a conservative?” “Yes, I’m a conservative.” “Oh, great. You hate women. You hate blacks. You hate all cultures. You love people’s money. You hate poor people.”“No, no. I just want to focus on education. I want to focus on hard work. I want to focus on being motivated and getting ahead in a country that made for that ethic…”Now, it’s weird that I can be conservative and never talk about religion. Because conservatives are a bunch of Bible-thumping, you know, brainwashed, you know, they believe the earth is 1,000 years old. How come I’m not religious? I’m an atheist. See, they just pick and choose whatever they want.
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