According to Refinery 29, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s oldest biological child, Shiloh, has decided to identify as a male at the tender age of 8. The painfully politically correct story attempts to paint a picture of the child, who now refers to herself as “John” although born a girl, as gender-confused at an early age:
Jolie told Vanity Fair in a 2010 interview that John has been exploring their identity since the age of three. ”She wants to be a boy,” Jolie said. “So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys’ everything. She thinks she’s one of the brothers.”Here’s the actual quote in context:
“She wants to be a boy. So we had to cut her hair. She likes to wear boys’ everything. She thinks she’s one of the brothers. Shiloh, we feel, has Montenegro style. She dresses like a little dude. It’s how people dress there. She likes tracksuits, she likes [regular] suits. Shiloh’s hysterically funny, one of the goofiest, most playful people you’ll ever meet. Goofy and verbal, the early signs of a performer. I used to get dressed up in costumes and jump around,” the actress explains.tylists at the time balked at Jolie’s attempt to coin the term “Montenegro style” stating, “she was trying to say something intellectual or funny, and it just sounded dumb.” Probably about as dumb as the Advocate grasping at straws via the stale tale of Shiloh Pitt, who apparently has been dressed in boyswear and given boyishly short haircuts by her parents since she was a toddler. Four years later, why wouldn’t an 8-year-old girl think she ought to be called “John”? If anything she’s aiming for a more defined gender identity than her parents have yet to give her, either through her name, her hair, or her clothing, let alone the gender-neutral pronouns being used to identify her in the media. As the Advocate explains:
Editor’s note: This article uses “they” as a gender-neutral, singular pronoun in an effort to respect the young Jolie-Pitt’s gender identity, whatever that may end up being.Children begin to develop a sense of gender roles mere months into life. Politically correct culture, largely influenced by contemporary feminism, instructs that gender roles are strictly the stuff of stereotypes. However, family and parenting influences, not cultural stereotypes, have the greatest impact in a child’s understanding of gender roles:
…gender role behaviors, including the toys children play with and activities, in which they engage, are influenced by how youngsters are raised and what expectations are made of them. …Perhaps more than any other factor, the subtleties of every child’s relationship with his or her father and mother—and the attitudes of the parents toward each other and toward the child—will influence his or her gender-related behaviors.For girls like Shiloh who express the desire to be a boy and prefer to be around other boys instead of girls:
These traits suggest a conflict or confusion about gender and relationship with peers of the same sex. The possible causes of these variations are speculative and controversial. Research demonstrates a role for both biological factors and social learning in gender-identity confusion. Family and parenting influences also might contribute to gender confusion.What pop culture presents as quick and easy evidence to demonstrate their trendy social theories regarding gender and stereotyping is really an example of incredibly poor parenting that leaves a young child in desperate need of structure confused about themselves and their role in the world.
But who’s going to have the guts to say Brangelina are bad parents?RELATED: Angelina Jolie’s daughter is “gender assigned” at 8 years old