Sunday, June 8, 2014

Someone Tell Harry Reid that the Koch Brothers Just Donated Millions to the United Negro College Fund

Here's the thing tho, why aren't conservatives talking and pushing more on all the good the Koch brothers do in general? Especially, when an a-hole like Harry Reid gets on his high horse and starts pontificating on how evil they are? I mean, not only have the evil Koch brothers donated to the UNCF, but to hospitals badly in need as well. Conservatives need to stop letting the Godless, liberal media define us and speak up more on who we really are, what we do and how conservatism benefits most Americans:
The United Negro College Fund on Friday announced a $25 million grant from the Koch brothers, the much-maligned libertarian philanthropists that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) has denounced as “un-American.”

The Associated Press reports:
The UNCF, known for its iconic motto, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste,” is seven decades old and supports historically black colleges and universities and provides scholarships.
From the donation, $18.5 million will go toward nearly 3,000 merit-based scholarships to African-American undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students, and $6.5 million will go toward general support for historically black colleges and universities and the UNCF.
AP’s economy editor made sure to point out how “unexpected” this was:
Meanwhile, irate liberals took to Twitter to denounce the UNCF donation, just as they protested a New York City hospital for taking a $100 million donation from David Koch. It is not immediately clear why these people hate the idea of providing scholarships to African-American students.
RELATED:  Loopy liberals freak over Koch brother’s $100M hospital gift

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